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Top Content to Catch Up on During the Holidays
by Member Experience on December 20, 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, we wanted to provide you with the top content for you to read or watch over the holidays. As an education company, EPI believes in constant professional development which is why we strive to bring you thought-provoking and topical content that increases your knowledge base. No matter your mood, preference or occasion, we’ve got you covered with all of the top exit planning education. Explore top webinars, articles, podcasts, and more below.
EPI is proud to provide hundreds of webinars on technical, business development, and applicable topics each year to thousands of advisors across the globe. Below are the most requested webinars:
Top 11 Webinars That CEPAs Asked For
- How to sell Your CEPA
- Triggering Owner Action
- How to Use the Value Acceleration Methodology
- Grow Your Circle Influence
- How to Start the Conversation using State of Owner Readiness Research
- Four Metrics to Double Your Business
- “The Brander”
- The Secret to finding New Business: Best Practices to Nurture New Leads
- Building A Sales Structure for Superior Results
- Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition
- Exit Planning Sales Funnel Management
Top 10 Webinars That People Who Wanted to Stay Current on Industry Trends Asked For
- Business Sale Preparation
- New Research: The State of an Owners Mind Pre-Exit
- Business Sale Preparation – 10 Avoidable Mistakes
- Managing the Rumor Mill
- Tax Strategies that Business Owners Should be Aware of Before They Sell
- Tips for Making Family Businesses Successful During Succession
- This is Why We Can’t have Nice Things: Understanding Conflict in the Family Business
- The Gears That Drive Value
- Success Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity
- How To use Key Employee Incentives to Increase Value and Sales Price
It is a proven fact that reading improves brain connectivity and function. If you are looking for something to read to expand your knowledge base, here is what we recommend:
Top 3 Reports/Books to Read
- Learn from a proven system to maximize value, grow income, and build a business that can run without you, download chapters of Walking to Destiny by Chris Snider.
- Stay up to date on the most current trends in business attractiveness and owner readiness, download the 2019 Nebraska State of Owner Readiness.
- Bridge the exit planning knowledge gap for clients considering transition, download Fishing For Value.
Brooke Norman’s Top 12 Reading List to Improve Your Marketing
1. 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout
2. 10x Marketing Formula by Garrett Moon
3. How to Write Copy That Sells by Ray Edwards
4. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
5. Contagious by Jonah Berger
6. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
7. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
8. Scaling Up by Verne Harnish
9. The Ultimate Sale by Justin Goodbread
*Reach out to Paige Koerper to request your free copy. Limit to the first 20 people.
10. Ted Talks: The Official Ted Guide to Public Speaking by Chris Anderson
11. TED Talks Storytelling: 23 Storytelling Techniques from the Best TED Talks by Akash Karia
12. Harvard Business Review Series
To read the reason behind each of Brooke’s top reads and how they fit into the categories of a holistic marketing strategy, read the Top Reading List to Improve Your Marketing.
If you are looking to expand your exit planning acumen by reading, but are looking for a shorter read, here are a few articles you should to help:
Top 6 Most Shared and Viewed Articles
- [Inside Look] Behind Evolve
- These Five Advisors Challenged the Status Quo: Who Got it Right?
- 2019 Exit Planning Summit Takeaways
- Congratulations to the 2019 Excellence in Exit Planning Award Winners!
- 2019 National Small Business Week
- Accountant versus Spouse
Top 5 CEPA Contributed Articles
- Is the M&A Window Closing? contributed by Quantive Valuations
- Lies Professional Advisors Tell You About Business Exit Planning contributed by BPM
- The Importance of Having a Current Business Valuation contributed by Prometis Partners
- Want to achieve your goals? Keep asking ‘Why?’ contributed by Honkamp Krueger & CO P.C.
- Six Misconceptions That Could Hurt Your Financial Future contributed by SWBC
As a life-long learner, you are not stranger to information overload. Podcasts can offer a break from the typical visual and written content, below are the top podcasts by CEPAs:
Top 5 Podcasts by CEPAs:
- Financially Simple by Justin Goodbread
- The Deal – Unscripted by Dan Doran
- Find Your Exit by Mark Kravietz
- ExitReadiness®️ PODCAST by Walter Deyhle
- Business Succession Planning Podcasts by Vincent Mastrovito
More than a credentialing company.
“This Methodology is Going to Supercharge My Practice!” -Justin Goodbread, CEPA, CFP®
Official ‘Exit Planning’ Definition: Exit planning combines the plan, concept, effort, and process into a clear, simple strategy to build a business that is transferable through strong human, structural, customer, and social capital. The future of the business owner, his/her family, and the business itself are addressed by exit planning through creating value today.
Exit planning is not just a plan (or a keyed-in report to print out for an owner). It is a strategy rooted in execution that grows value while expanding options so that an owner can transition the business on his/her terms when they are ready. It aligns the business, personal, and financial needs of the owner. Good exit planning utilizes the Value Acceleration Methodology™ to move clients through discovery, prepare, and decide gates. Certified Exit Planning Advisors (CEPA) educate the owner on all of the exit options and enters an engagement with an exit-option-agnostic perspective as to truly serve the business owner’s diverse needs. CEPAs collaborate with a seasoned, multi-disciplinary team of professionals to support the success of the business owner and use each other’s specialties and expertise to the benefit of the project. [view the award-winning methodology]
“Why did I earn CEPA when I already had an exit planning designation? Simple, the network. The quality of the EPI advisor network is unmatched.” -Paul Meyer, CEPA, CBEC
Do you consider your COIs or your referral network as the #1 source for new business? Look no further for your next membership affiliation. Formed in 2005 to serve educational and resource needs of financial planners and wealth managers, CPA/accountants, attorneys, commercial lenders, M&A advisors and business brokers, management consultants and other business advisors, the Exit Planning Institute is considered the standard trendsetter in the field of exit planning across the globe. It is the only organization that offers the Certified Exit Planning Advisor Program (CEPA) and qualifies for continuing education credits with twelve major professional associations, making it the most widely accepted and endorsed professional exit planning program in the world. [find a CEPA in your area]
“As a CPA, nothing is more important than exit planning.” -Bill Kenedy, CPA/ABV, CFF, CEPA
Our founders paved the way for the organization we are today. In the past three years alone, EPI has grown by more than ten times. We support and enable thousands of professional advisors who are leading the way in their local marketplaces across the globe. We invite you to join the community and experience the EPI difference.
We are powered by a dedicated staff, industry experts, and market leaders, that are passionate about providing top professional advisors the best industry content, ongoing practice support, and owner education resources. From humble beginnings, EPI has grown to become the exit planning market leader while staying focused and true to our mission. We are an education company that certifies and supports more than 900 CEPAs (and counting) as well as thousands of advisors worldwide through national, regional, chapter, and virtual education. Explore our history and make plans to play a part in our future. [explore the EPI history timeline snapshot]
“You want to have the best credential in the industry. So my advice is that you have to go with Exit Planning Institute.” -Vincent Mastrovito, CEPA, CBEC
Do you want help in an increasingly commoditized or oversaturated marketplace? Do you want just another designation for your business card or do you want the credentialing education that helps you adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing industry? You’ve come to the right place.
The Exit Planning Institute creates an exit planning “ecosystem,” and due to the diverse nature of exit planning, EPI has fostered a hyper-engaged exit planning community. This community includes CEPAs, other collaborative advisors, strategic alliance partners, academicians, the media, and business owners from across the globe made up of 15 countries, 44 U.S. States and representing over a dozen different professional disciplines. To serve this elite and cross-functional community on one major platform, EPI produces the best content as it relates to exit planning, succession planning, and value acceleration, provides ongoing advisor support and practice development, and creates connectivity to transitioning business owners. [connect with us today]
Explore the unmatched professional development experience and gain your next competitive edge in 2019.
The Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) Program is the most widely endorsed and accepted exit planning designation in the marketplace today. Experience the EPI difference and determine if earning the CEPA designation is the next strategic move for you to reinvent yourself in a changing marketplace. Visit www.EarnCEPA.com today.
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