Circle of Excellence: Profile of Inductee Gordon Bell
Headshot of Gordon Bell surrounded by laurels with title

Circle of Excellence: Profile of Inductee Gordon Bell

July 18, 2024 2 min read
Why You Need a CEPA on Your Team
two business people standing in front of clear whiteboard with title

Why You Need a CEPA on Your Team

July 15, 2024 3 min read
Honoring Peter Christman: A Legacy of Dedication and Innovation
Peter Chirstman smiling into microphone

Honoring Peter Christman: A Legacy of Dedication and Innovation

July 9, 2024 3 min read
15-Year CEPA Profile: Meet Mike Sedlak

15-Year CEPA Profile: Meet Mike Sedlak

July 8, 2024 2 min read
Circle of Excellence: Profile of Inductee Craig West
Headshot of Craig West surrounded by laurels with title

Circle of Excellence: Profile of Inductee Craig West

July 3, 2024 3 min read
166 CEPAs Join the EPI Network in June 2024

166 CEPAs Join the EPI Network in June 2024

June 28, 2024 6 min read
Owner Readiness: What It Is & Why Should You Care?
Title over man at computer

Owner Readiness: What It Is & Why Should You Care?

June 27, 2024 3 min read
Here's What You Missed: 5 Power Sessions from the 2024 Exit Planning Summit
Title over EPI Summit Stage

Here's What You Missed: 5 Power Sessions from the 2024 Exit Planning Summit

June 20, 2024 1 min read
New CEPA Next Steps
So You're a CEPA, Now What? over view of woman and man shaking hands

New CEPA Next Steps

June 17, 2024 3 min read