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Benefits of a Pet Friendly Office
by Colleen Kowalski on December 2, 2020

A few weeks ago, we introduced two new team members and discussed how our team has grown during the pandemic. But we forgot to mention a couple other new additions to the EPI workforce. They can’t type a hundred words per minute… or any words for that matter. But what they lack in computer skills, they make up for in the sheer happiness they provide during our daily Zoom calls. Our newest coworkers don’t completely understand what is going on the majority of the time and have been caught sleeping on the job. They are still learning how to “work” from home, so we cut them some slack. You might be thinking, why on earth would you still employ people who sleep on the job and cannot work a computer? That is just it… they are not people; they are our pets.
Pet Friendly Offices:
Pet Friendly offices have been a growing trend in businesses across the country. A pet friendly environment has been proven to enhance productivity, drive collaboration between teams, and generally make for a happier office. According to Rover, “Social networks that are developed based on shared concern over animals can lead to increased human-human interaction”. This collaboration, while focused on the pet in the office, can lead to new ideas for the company that would not have come up if not for the relaxed atmosphere. Pets are also proven stress relievers and stress preventers. According to an article by the University of Southern California Applied Psychology department, the “short walks, a little playtime, and temporary distractions allow mental breaks so as not to overwork and become stressed” while at work.
Benefits of Working From Home:
Working from home has been shown to increase productivity on tasks that both employers and employees find valuable. Without spending time on meeting after meeting, employees have been able to reduce the number of tasks they find as “tiresome” from 27% to 12%, according to the Harvard Business Review. This study also found that employees who find their work more important are more likely to feel indispensable to the success of the company. The shift to working from home has in turn shifted the focus to tasks that are important to the business. Therefore, the employees completing these tasks feel more essential than before. According to Forbes, having a comfortable work environment also increases productivity. Comfort can come in the form of a supportive desk chair, standing desk, or even intermittent screen breaks to ease strain on your eyes. Combining a pet friendly workplace with our new work from home model has seen a vast increase in productivity and collaboration between our teams.
Meet our new furry coworkers below:
Remus “Remy” Lupin, Chairman of Chair Stealing:

Remy is our Marketing Coordinator, Colleen Kowalski’s rescue dog. What he lacks in marketing experience he makes up for in his ability to sneak his way into any Zoom meeting by leaping onto Colleen’s lap. “I have not been working from home for long, but I love being able to work a fulltime job while wearing sweatpants. Working with Remy has been great because he provides me with the perfect opportunity to give my eyes a screen break to take him for a walk. He also acts like a warm blanket by sitting on my lap on days my office is chilly!”, says Colleen.
Lilly, Manager of Laziness

Lilly is our Business Development Manager, Scott Lang’s dog. She enjoys curling up on her bed behind Scott as he works throughout the day. As he works on the computer, she works on getting in a good nap. Scott says, “Working from home allows me more time in the morning to help get my kids off to school and rotate with my wife on mornings to go to the gym. I am also able to spend some time after business hours responding to End of Day emails and prospecting. I’m lucky to have the set up at home that I do.”
Parker, Leo, and Gannon, Sleepy Interns
Parker |
Leo |
Gannon |
These beautiful pets are our Marketing Coordinator, Chase Ross’s at home co-workers. These three absolutely love to lounge in the background of video meetings, usually perched on the direct center of the kitchen table. Chase says, “For the longest time when working at home, I always felt like I had to get dressed like I was still going into work to be my most productive. But having been at it for so long, I’ve recently changed it up and gone with a comfier approach. Lately I start the day by wearing hooded sweatshirts and sweatpants, lighting Fall scented candles, and listening to soft Jazz as I work. It really helps me settle in, focus on my work, and be comfortable. My wife and I have been putting a lot of focus on improving our living space considering we’re in it so much more often.”
Lilly, CEO of Pet Me Now
Clory, CEO of Belly Rubs

These two cute ladies are our Member Experience Representative, Joshua Lewis’s dogs. As you can see, they are very strong proponents for a good work-life balance. Clory enjoys laying down to rest during the day and Lilly keeps watch to make sure they don’t get in trouble for sleeping on the job. Josh says, “As much as I like going into the office and seeing my team in person, I am a huge fan of working from home. I would say working from home has improved my productivity because I have more energy. I get more done, and it feels like I work at a much faster pace. I also get a nice break half-way through my day because instead of driving somewhere to get lunch or eating leftovers, I get an afternoon walk in with my girls.”
Oliver, Head of PUPlic Relations

Oliver is our Marketing Coordinator Paige Koerper-Wysocki’s dog. Oliver is an excellent neighborhood watch dog and usually makes an appearance in our afternoon Zoom meetings as he stares at the squirrels through the window behind Paige. Paige says, “Working from home has improved my productivity because I am able to stay focused on the task that I am doing, rather than getting distracted by things in the office. It is also nice to work from home with Oliver because he helps me remember to take breaks and clear my mind. I can come back to whatever I am doing with a different perspective because I actually took the time to look away”.
Lilly, President of being Mostly Unimpressed

Lilly is our Marketing Assistant, Alex Hooker’s cat. Lilly enjoys climbing on top of Alex’s shoulders during meetings to try and get in a quick nap. Alex says, “Working from home has improved my productivity because I am able to be more focused due to fewer distractions. I am also able to be more comfortable at home, which for me is important because the more comfortable I am, the more focused I can be.”
Frank, CSO (Chief Sleep Officer)

Frank is our Member Experience Representative, John Weishar’s cat. Frank is a big fan of morning, midday, and evening naps. John says, ” I would say working home from home has been half and half for me. It was interesting at first to get used to working from home because I enjoy being in office, where I feel more focused. Being at home for a few months was an adjustment, but I did get used to it. Once Scott gave us the opportunity to come back to the office safely, I have been in pretty much every day”.
Please join us in welcoming these new additions to the EPI Team! We would love to see your new furry coworkers as well. Share your Pet Friendly offices with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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